Storycatching Life Story Counseling Renton WA


Give Voice to Your memories

In order to assist you in telling your narrative, we might explore ways you could make your story complete by considering this list so you can express it in the way that is right for you. To help you give voice to your memory and speak its truth.

  • Consider Interviewing a family member, old friend or acquaintance.

  • Put some of your old family photos together to help you tell your story in pictures. Artifacts (In your story, you can use old letters, documents or other memorabilia.

  • Sometimes research is necessary to complete the parts of your story that are missing. There might be books, news articles, or genealogy records such as or 23and me to discover more about your family.

What is your story?

A specialized therapeutic modality using Storycatching techniques from the narrative therapy approach that encourages healing and growth for those dealing with trauma or abuse, sadness or loneliness, grief and loss, anxieties and stress of life changes and transitions: all issues that can be the result of unresolved feelings from the past.  

As a therapist of narrative therapy, my job would be to help you find your voice and tell your story in your own words, to help you find meaning and purpose in your experiences, find healing and help establish or re-establish identity, and eliminate guilt and shame associated with those experiences.  

Often, it is hard to talk about the stories from our lives, because we remembered them in pieces and chunks. When you’re able to build a coherent narrative, it can help build clarity, self-understanding, and self-forgiveness. 

I provide a safe and confidential place where you can share your life stories. I ask you the right questions to help you talk about what happened and how it changed you and made you into the person you are today. What did you learn?  

It’s therapeutic to tell your life stories; it leads to healing and growth and self-understanding. 

It can be therapeutic to help your children or significant others understand you. It can help them heal and understand themselves and rebuild broken or damaged family relationships. 

It’s helpful and healing for your children to understand you to know your stories. It’s time to tell your side of the story to create understanding in loved ones to help them know themselves and eliminate misunderstandings and judgements about decisions you’ve made that might have impacted them negatively. 

I prefer to let my storyteller tell your story in the way you prefer at your own pace. Sometimes just telling a therapist in a safe, private, secure, and confidential place your story is what you want. Maybe you don’t necessarily want to document it or to preserve it in any way. You want to just say what happened. It can be very helpful to have a therapist present. 

You can take it further and make a recording to preserve your heritage and create a legacy that could be shared with your parents or your children at some point when you are ready. You don’t ever have to share it. But if you do, there are many options. 

In therapy, you would tell your story. Outside of your therapy sessions, you might want to write your story into a journal or scrapbook. Another option is to let me help you make an audio or video recording of your story that can be used to create your memoir that you write. If you don’t want to write it, we can write it for you. Find out details by calling and setting up a free consult.

Storycatching Life Story Counseling Renton WA

Truth can free you from the bonds of secrecy and shame. 

You can also join a Writer’s Group!

I lead a weekly support group for women writers that meets: Click here for description and times.

Telling your story is an act of courage that can help you overcome self-doubt and fear of what others think or societal judgement.

It can help you to forgive yourself and to lift the weight of shame or guilt that keeps you from talking about it or caring too much what others think. 

From the beginning of creation, human beings have delighted in the art of storytelling. Stories make up the foundation of human culture and identity, and it is the primary medium by which we relate our lives and selves to one another. 

Stories help us grow through the revelation of truth, and their power lies in the ease with which we can connect to them. Stories are at our core and are therefore relatable to us, allowing them to teach and shape us without even being consciously aware that we do this. 

No one knows when the time will come and they will no longer be here to share or tell their stories, deeply held beliefs, or convictions. If this is something you might be considering, I am a therapist and storycatcher, who is curious and knows just the right questions to ask, a neutral, trained, caring, empathic listener and professional who can help you deal with the emotional upsets and difficult aspects of your story, confidentially, make assessments, and do treatment if needed.

Don’t wait another day, call and set up an appointment

Accept no one’s definition of your life;

define yourself.

— Robert Frost