
One thing that I have learned by doing this work is that emotional wounds are similar to physical wounds. That if given the right treatment, the healing will occur. Scars can fade. Open wounds can close and begin to heal.

Physical wounds need to be cleaned and a band aid. An emotional wound needs something else.

It needs attention and to be heard. If you ignore these wounds or bury them, an emotional wound can become ‘infected’ so to speak. That’s when you begin to have symptoms like depression or anxiety or a variety of other ways that the infection is identified. It needs to talk and tell you about the pain. It needs a compassionate and caring person to attend to it and help find ways to make it not hurt so much.

And that’s what I do as a therapist: identify ways to stop or lessen the pain, heal wounds so that people can function again as their best self. 

Therapy Specializations Life Story Counseling Renton WA

I primarily provide in-person and on-line psychotherapy to adults, age 18 through later adulthood who are experiencing distress due to:

  • Depression 

  • Grief / loss 

  • Abuse or trauma 

  • Anxiety 

  • Mid-life and career issues, empty nest syndrome

  • Life transitions / changes

  • Medical conditions, injury, and disability

  • Family or relationship stress

Why these specializations?

I choose to work with these specializations because they are so common and almost universal in terms of what humans deal with. I was drawn to work in these areas because that’s where I feel I can make the most difference. 

Furthermore, I am not removed from life because I am a therapist. Over the years, I, like anyone, have struggled. I can say that I have been there, and I have had to overcome situations that have inspired me to want to help others through similar problems. I am a real person. I've struggled, I've suffered.. I'm not some educated, superior puff. I have had to pull myself out of some trenches and pits, and counseling helped me do that along the way. So I am someone who wants to help others like I have been helped. 

I am absolutely convinced from what I have been through in life and what I have helped others do that there is help and hope for those with life's most common problems.    

Do you feel depressed or sad? Do you worry or have difficulties with anxiety or panic? Are you suffering and feel alone or hopeless? Many people do with so many crises happening at once in our world that things can be overwhelming. Even if you’re not worried about what you hear in the news, there may be other things you’re dealing with such as grief and loss, relationship or family conflict, or other major life transitions.

In my practice, I strive to honor diversity and to whenever possible encourage, support and stand up for those who face barriers and encourage a resistance mentality to any and all oppression and the myriad ways that create inequality between people.  

Although the world is full of suffering,

It is also full of overcoming of it.

— Helen Keller